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Laser-Compton light source technology enables production of mono-energetic gamma rays and x rays. In the gamma-ray regime, these sources enable new, isotope-specific nuclear materials, detection systems, and photon-based study of nuclear processes. This is accomplished via Compton scattering short-duration laser pulses from relativistic electrons.
Laser-Compton Scattering (LCS) is one method to generate a quasi-monochromatic and polarized gamma-ray beam. Laser photons and relativistic electrons collide and as a result, the incident photon is scattered by the relativistic electron, and the scattered photon energy is up-converted to a gamma-ray. One experiment that can be accomplished using this process is the precise measurement of Delbruck scattering. When a linearly polarized CO2 laser, with an average power of 100W and an electron beam current of 300mA, is used for the generation of LCS gamma-rays, linearly polarized gamma-rays with a flux of 3×107 ph/s and an energy spread of 15 percent in FWHM will be available.
- Single wavelength emission
- Controlled pulse parameters
- Power stabilization
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